UPDATE: This legislation was approved and signed by the Mayor on 5-3-23.
Ordinance 220340 was introduced on 4-5-22 by Supervisor Dorsey.
This Ordinance modifies the NCD and Mixed-Use Zoning controls including:
Permits Accessory Arts Activities in C, DTR, Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed-Use, Mission Bay, RC Districts, Folsom Street NCT, SoMa NCT, Regional Commercial, and in historic and nonconforming buildings in Residential Enclave Districts
Permits General Entertainment and Nighttime Entertainment uses in the Folsom Street NCT District, Regional Commercial, and WMUG Districts
Conditionally permits Nighttime Entertainment in the MUG District
Permits Bar uses on the second floor in the Folsom Street NCT and Regional Commercial Districts
Permits Job Training, Public Facility, and Social Service/Philanthropic Facility uses in the SoMa NCT District and Easter Neighborhoods Districts
Requires large developments in the SoMa Mixed Use District to provide a mix of commercial space sizes
Requires all Nighttime Entertainment uses comply with the Entertainment Commission's good neighbor policies
Removes certain limitations on location for Nighttime Entertainment and Animal Service uses in Western SoMA Special Use District