UPDATE: This legislation was referred to the Committees on Housing and Community Development and Local Government on 3-11-24.
AB-3116 was introduced by Assembly Member Garcia on 2-16-2024.
This bill would modify the density bonus requirements to 20% of bedspaces rather than units in student housing developments. Housing would be required to be used exclusively for undergraduate, graduate, or professional students who are currently enrolled or from another university within the past 2 years with a specified number of enrolled credits. Leasing / Sub-leasing to non-students would only be permitted during specified time periods. The developer would also be required to implement a system of confirming renters' status.
Additionally, this bill would increase the number of incentives a developer may receive for projects with at least 20% of the bedspaces for lower income students. Incentive adjustments are also made to projects with 40% and 70% affordable bedspaces.
Density calculations would also be adjusted under this bill to be calculated according to the percentage of total student housing bedspaces reserved for lower income students.
Finally, parking requirements would be adjusted.