UPDATE: This legislation is under review. The Planning Commission recommended disapproval on 2-23-22. The Land Use and Transportation Committee approved on 4-23-22 and amended the entire Ordinance. After Supervisor Mandelman's similar legislation was vetoed by the Mayor, this Ordinance was revisited and sent to the Planning Commission for review. On 8-10-22, the Planning Commission recommended approval with modifications.
Ordinance 211234 was introduced on 12-7-21 by Supervisor Safai.
Creates a density bonus program in all RH zones to allow up to 4 units on interior lots and 6 units on corner lots if at least one unit is affordable to households earning 110% of area median income (rental) or 140% (ownership). Also allows owners to pay an inclusionary housing fee in lieu of providing on-site affordable units. Would allow increased density, modifications to rear yard, exposure, open space, and heights. Brings SF Planning code into conformance with SB 10.
Also eliminates the need for a Conditional Use to demolish an existing residential building unless the building is a historic structure. And eliminates 311 notification requirements.