UPDATE: This ordinance was approved by the Board of Supervisors on 3-19-24 and signed by the Mayor on 3-28-24.
Ordinance 231185 was introduced on 11-14-23 by Supervisor Melgar.
This legislation would eliminate the requirement that DBI determine when there is no pathway for legalization of an illegal unit. Instead, units can be removed without conditional use if they do not meet requirements for exposure, open space, or minimum floor-ceiling height.
Additionally, in single-family homes, UDU's would be exempt from conditional use if all of the following apply:
The Owner lives in the primary dwelling
The UDU has not been rented for the past 10 years, except to a family member
The Owner intends to reside in the home for a period of 3 years after removal of the unit
The Owner agrees to subject the home to the SF Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance.