Jul 1, 2022SF BOSDenied/Killed: HOT: Restrict Suspension of Water/Utility Services to Residential Tenants during ConstructionUPDATE: This legislation was filed as inactive on 10-24-22. Ordinance 220241 was introduced on 3-8-22 by Supervisor Peskin This...
Jul 1, 2022SF BOSDenied/Killed: Ord 220447: Elimination of RH-1 Zoning-MarUPDATE: This legislation was filed as inactive on 1-26-23. Ordinance 220447 was introduced on 4-25-22 by Supervisor Mar. This Ordinance...
Mar 16, 2022SF BOSDenied/Killed: Ord 220038: High-Rise Sprinklers: Existing BuildingsWould require automatic sprinkler systems in existing high-rise buildings of R-2 occupancies.