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AB 3068: Adaptive Reuse Streamlining

UPDATE: This legislation was referred to the Committees on Housing and Community Development, and the Committee on Local Government on 3-11-24.

AB-3068 was introduced by Assembly Member Haney on 2-16-2024.

This bill would allow adaptive reuse projects (repurposing of an existing building to residential or mixed-uses), by right in all zones, regardless of zoning. It would also provide streamlined, ministerial review for a variety of project types. Historic properties would be subject to additional requirements to protect the character of the building.

These projects would be exempt from all impact fees and would require any other fees charged to be proportional to the difference in impacts related to the change of use.

This bill would also authorize local jurisdictions to establish an incentive program to provide funds for these projects for a period of 15 years. Funds up to the amount of ad valorem property tax revenue may be allocated for this incentive.

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